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Just busy

Hmmm. Don’t seem to be doing anything worth writing about these days. I spend my time in front of the computer, busy with lots of things – putting the 2013 Elfin Diary together, checking emails, reading Facebook and blogs. Today, I’m updating the Oakleaf Circle site – there are updates that have been waiting since […]


OK, so in my last post, I said I was feeling healthier. Ha. I promptly went down with two days of low-level thumping headaches and general unwellness. That’ll teach me. But today’s been magnificently sunny – yippee, no rain! And I’ve been able to catch up with wurk. And of course feeling better.

New Start…..

…Yes, I’m not posting here much lately, am I? That’s because the Elfin Diary is really taking off now – orders are coming in daily and I haven’t even had the first batch of Diaries delivered yet. If sales continue at this rate, I’m on target for breaking even; in fact, I could quite possibly […]

Balloon’s Up…..

So now the Elfin Diary site has been live since Monday, and taking orders for 2012 diaries and T-Shirts for the last 24 hours. I’ve sent out an email newsletter to the 350 or so people on my Elfin Diary mailing list and so far I’ve had three Paypal orders. Hopefully, people will eventually be […]


Yes, we got to the Camp. For us, it was not the best camping experience of our lives. The disappointment started as soon as we arrive. Every year we park and set up camp in a particular spot next to the hedge half-way down the field. It’s one of the few completely level spots, it’s […]

Second Thoughts….

I’ve been trying out the new dosage that Doc G has prescribed. Haven’t got the new pills yet, but I’ve cut one of my 100mcg tablets into four and taking the extra each evening. Have tried it for two days and although I felt much better on the first day, I’ve been getting more tachycardia […]

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow…

Things have been happening….. B has had his operation, and is slowly recovering. Still gets tired and a bit breathless, but he’s already far better now than he was before the surgery. Our car is dead – needs a new fuel pump. B’s still not well enough to do any lengthy walking, so I’m doing […]

Watching the washing dry…..

It’s been a beautiful, relaxing sunny day today, so I’ve sitting out in the garden, watching the washing dry (see pic for proof!) and watching the tourists buzz past. The only drawback of living in a lovely rural patch of Scotland is that lots of people want to come and see it, especially on sunny […]


Seen Doc G again – my blood pressure is going down. It was 156 / 80 this morning – not especially good but a lot better than 170 / 90. He agreed with me that my raised BP was quite possibly due to the stress of dealing with B’s illness, so since it’s now on […]


So I’ve been having medical problems again. A couple of weeks ago, I started getting dry, gritty eyes; within a couple of days, I could barely see – everything was blurry and bright lights made my eyes hurt. Naturally, I couldn’t do anything on the computer – I managed to snatch 20 minutes or so […]