….to prove it, I can spell BANANAS! I thought I had polished off all my banana wine last night, but I’ve just discovered a bottle hiding away in the kitchen, trembling in trepidation. Never, fear, little bottle, you shall remain virginal – for the time being…. I’m now brewing a further two gallons – a […]
….meeping about web design and stuff. Getting on with the design for the new online Transit, I’ve been looking at CMSs that are specifically for online magazine/newsletters. WordPress, once again seems to win hands down, with at least three themes that are suitable. I’ve looked at a standalone Drupal spin-off called Prosepoint, but its still […]
For me, the big event of the day was an exact astrological opposition between Uranus and Saturn. So I’ve avoided getting involved in any celestial pile-ups by spending my time at the pooter, struggling to get to grips with Joomla. My long-awaited Building Websites With Joomla 1.5 arrived last week, but I was too busy […]