…so I’ve been having a think over the last few days and resolved a few internal issues. So (touch wood) I won’t be posting many more self-pitying whinges in here. One of the things I decided on was that I can and should break out of set routines when I get bored with them. So, […]
…in astrological terms, being 59 means you’re in the middle of your second Saturn Return, when Saturn transits its own place for the second time in your life. It’s generally regarded as a pretty heavy time, of restrictions and difficulties. By accident, I’ve just stumbled on the blog of a fellow astrologer who was born […]
….I think my Astro*Diary site may now be taking off – today I have scooped the other astrology sites with an article by Robert Blaschke on the phenomenal Susan Boyle. Every astrologer has been gagging for her chart data and I got it (almost) first. He sent it to me as a PDF; it took […]
I’m getting more involved in Facebook – I’m now in the networks of two daughters and a son-in-law. Nice to be able to keep up with family like this. For the last 24 hours, I’ve had a headache. It’s much better now, but was pretty bad yesterday. I had the spend the day lying down; […]
……out here in the hall; I’m giving serious consideration to B’s suggestion that I should move my computer into the living room. Trouble is, there isn’t anything big enough to put it on except the (ex-kitchen) table that it’s currently sitting on, and finding room will be difficult. So for now I’ll put on another […]