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Autmn Leaves…..

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Been busy, busy busy. The Elfin Diary is still at the printers – should get it next week, hopefully. In the meantime, I’ve been using all those addressed envelopes I was given at Caroline’s house to send out order forms – nearly 600 of them. So far, I’ve had over 100 orders, most of them on the order forms; that’s reckoned to be a pretty good rate of return from a mass mailout. I wish I had the Diaries to send out to all these customers!
Still, that’s lots of money coming in. I’m going to need it to pay the printing bill and cover all the other expenses; postage alone has cost me over £200 and I’ve not posted out any Diaries yet. I’ve worked out that I’ll need to sell at least 500 Diaries before I start making a profit. Still, it early days – people aren’t looking to buy diaries just yet, and I’ve got an ad going into a local freebie magazine that’s distributed all over the county. And I intend to buy some Google Adwords as soon as the diaries arrive from the printers, to get more people to the website. So I reckon I can do it.
Then, of course, I have to get started on the 2013 Diary!

I’m feeling generally better, sleeping better, less tachycardia attacks. Its probably from having work to do all day – I no longer sit around getting bored and restless and fretting.
And now it’s almost the Equinox – autumn already. The leaves on the trees aren’t turning colour yet, except for the ash – that always seems to the the first. But it’s getting chilly enough to warrant putting another blanket on the bed. And then the days will shorten, night will come earlier and leave later. All these seasons – I’ve seen so many. How many more to go, I wonder?

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