So This is Newtonmass…..
At last the year is turning; winter is still hard and frosty, but summer is on its way. We’re promised a thaw in a few days – can’t come soon enough. Lovely as snow looks, it gets boring after three solid weeks.
B is finally getting to see a consultant in Glasgow, next week. Hopefully, some sort of surgery will be definitely arranged then. I kept nagging B to contact the hospital himself, but he wouldn’t – eventually, three weeks ago (a good 10 weeks after the hospital told him they would be arranging some sort of surgery for him urgently), he got onto Doc G about the delay and the Doc obviously did some stirring.
I’ve had a quick trip down to Lancashire to see my new grandson – came back with a nasty flu-like bug that’s laid me up for nearly a fortnight. Had to give the Yule feast a miss because I was so ill; and I’ve hardly been out of the house at all. Getting very bored. But also getting better.
Must get down to some work.