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Still Here….

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Yeah, not posted for a while. Life has been very quiet here since Oakleaf. Nearly got a web design job; that didn’t pan out in the end, so I’ve been noodling around on the comp polishing up my design, CSS and CMS skills. Just come across a nice new CMS called Pixie; it’s small, basic, with very few bells and whistles. But it would be ideal for a small personal or business site, something that only needs a few pages along with a blog, news feed and events listing. I’ve been playing with it most of the afternoon, and think it deserves a plug. WordPress is still my favourite CMS, but it’s just too bloated and heavyweight for some purposes.

Anyway, the new pills that Doc G prescribed are still working well – not only am I finally feeling motivated and energetic, but I haven’t had a tachycardia attack since the one at the camp. So I think I can bring him some good news next time I see him.

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  1. Coo! Thanks for the pointer to Pixie – that could be rather useful. I’ve been using PmWiki as a CMS-lite up to now (it’s an eminently skinnable and configurable wiki, and there are even recipes to add an event calendar or blog).

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