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No Longer Inebriated….

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….to prove it, I can spell BANANAS!
I thought I had polished off all my banana wine last night, but I’ve just discovered a bottle hiding away in the kitchen, trembling in trepidation. Never, fear, little bottle, you shall remain virginal – for the time being….
I’m now brewing a further two gallons – a big bucket of it is now bubbling away in the utility room behind me, smelling quite tempting already. But it won’t be drinkable until at least midsummer. So that bottle in the kitchen won’t last!

Ah well… since today is a normal day for us (apart from everything being shut), I’ve been getting on with some work. A walk would have been pleasant, but B is quite tired today – maybe tomorrow. Mostly, I’ve been tweaking the new Transit website, which is getting along very nicely; most of the work now will be adding and formatting content. It probably won’t be online until the end of February, but I’m so excited over it that I’m spending time now getting it right. It’s all good practice, anyway, as I intend to concentrate on WordPress-driven CMS sites, and I’ve been getting down and dirty with the coding.

Well, I caught the Wallace & Gromit film this afternoon, then the Doctor Who special. Now it’s almost time for the new Wallace & Gromit special! So toodle-ooh!

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